This project is a school group project, with the concept of designing an interactive piece that allows students and faculty attending classes in this building to not be too bored, while also being able to understand the history of the building.

Site Research

3D Modeling

Imagine a sketch

Low fidelity UI

Divide the entire screen into three parts, which are the three periods of the scene. When people reach the corresponding positions in front of the screen, the corresponding sections will enlarge and start playing the corresponding videos.

Second edition UI

Final effect: 2D-3D

Divide the entire screen into three parts, which are the three periods of the scene. When people reach the corresponding positions in front of the screen, the corresponding sections will enlarge and start playing the corresponding videos.

Modeling process

In the 1920s, this building was still in the process of building a wind tunnel for the US Army, so there were many steel, stairs, and military vehicles to see.
In 1970, the building had been completed, with testing aircraft, huge fans, and several operator desks inside.
So far, No. 950 is about to become a transportation only building, so it has a modern school building style and some model vehicles for students to visit.

Architectural concept

This time traveler from the comic world will run freely in the building. We set 7 points in the entire building model, and the character showed the complete building model to the observer by moving them from one side to another to different 7 points.

Detail: Running

Each NPC on the character's running route can interact with the NPC, and the NPC's animation will be different when the passerby approaches the NPC. For example, when the traveler is not by his side, the soldier will stand idle, and when the traveler approaches him, he will start saluting.

Details: NPC

In the scenes of the 1920s, we used a black and white color theme because at that time comics had no color, only black and white and gray, so we decided to use white as the main color tone for this scene.

Visual Style: 1920

As one grows older, colors become more vibrant. In the 1970s scene, we added a major monochrome visual effect because printing technology was not very good at the time, so we chose to color the object with one color.

Visual Style: 1970

In today's era, various printing technologies are becoming increasingly advanced, so for current scenes, we have decided to use more color combinations and brighter colors to enhance visual impact. We have also added black lines to each object to emphasize our comic theme.

Visual Style: Now